Coolest Tie Ever..


My girlfriend has just bought tickets for her staff party at Christmas in a few weeks time and it’s a black tie event.This brought back memories for me of a few months ago when i stumbled upon this tie. I’m very tempted to get it, but the GF would not be impressed :mrgreen:

It’s definitely the coolest tie i’ve ever seen. It looks so real and retro you have to look twice to see if it’s actually a tie 😛

I may not get one now, but no doubt i’ll get my hands on one at some stage. Colleeg graduation/balls and all that 😈

3 thoughts on “Coolest Tie Ever..”

  1. It’s an awesome tie, yes. I should have ordered one when I placed my “Meh”-tshirt order at Thinkgeek.

    PS: Why no Thinkgeek affiliate link?

  2. people complaining i DONT have affiliate links – that’s a first :mrgreen:

    i was unaware of their program tbh, might look into it now though 😈

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