It’s been 4 days since my last blog post. I’ve been busy though. Mainly with college work. It’s a case of a lot done, a lot more to do. You see i’m well aware that my dissertation needs to be complete by the end of the month so i’m trying to see if i can surprise myself and get the bulk of it complete before then…
It’s now 43 pages in length and 9,500 words. If i were to criticise it i’d say i don’t have enough references and i’m deviating from the proposal plus i’m working backwards slightly. I’m beyond caring too much about that stuff though, i’m now concerned with making it easy to read and i’m trying to ‘sell’ the idea of Social CRM to a fictional business (created in my head) with examples and creative thinking rather than focus on theory and boring diagrams and charts which is what kills my own interest, so it’s sure as hell going to kill anyone else’s interest.
I like to throw down a heading and roam wild with my writing which is frowned upon generally when writing this type of stuff. It’s all about references and logical thinking / arguments. Sticking to plans and having everything nice, sharp and concise under headings. I spent one day writing in what i’d call ‘proper’ style. Nothing but references backing up statements and fence sitting when it came to certain technologies. That upped my reference count from about 5 to 25 and whilst it looked good and sounded good, i just think it’s all false and bluff.
It’s not me, that’s not how i write, that’s not how i think. I’m just doing it to pick up marks which kills my own interest in the subject. I’d prefer to be writing a business plan or doing something that potentially creates value for me rather than just creating something to pick up marks and tick checkboxes. And a business plan is exactly what i have to create now as part of an entrepreneurship module. That’s more like it.
Leaving Cert
I’ve got back to full working order and done some more work on it. I’m toying with the idea of another revamp but we’ve still got several new features to launch from the last revamp. With easter coming up, traffic tends to go ballistic and it will stay that way until June so provided i can keep the site online, 🙂 it should be bumper traffic time. Record breaking traffic, especially if we launch new features. I’m also keen to get in to the college scene online too. Watch this space.
Busiest Month Ever?
I’m going to list this month as my busiest month ever. College work peaks this month and whilst it won’t influence my results much, work still has to be done. At the minute i have my dissertation, business plan + presentation, two assignments and another presentation due this month / very early April. So it’s a lot of pressure. I still maintain it’s not actually that difficult, it’s no more difficult than 6th year honours maths.
Problems are still problems, things you don’t understand, you still may not understand. The thought process is different though, you fear less because you’ve more experience and are supposed to be qualified in problem solving but boil it all down and it’s all just work that requires time. Allocate more time, get more work done. Ability doesn’t come in to it, not at this stage. It’s more about time management and knowing where the fail / pass line is or knowing the line between 2:2, 2:1, 1:1 etc and doing enough to stay above it…
In lectures, i’m drifting away more and more as time goes on. There are some now where i lose interest almost immediately and start jotting down notes about online projects and things that need to be done. It’s productive timewasting and it beats day dreaming or thinking about how much work has to be done.
What about the blog?
I still probably won’t have enough time to blog daily this month. I could of course make time but i’d have to sacrafice college work and put myself under more pressure by leaving things until the last minute and rushing them. Once the dissertation is complete, i’ll get most of my mind back and once this business plan is complete & presented, i’ll probably attempt to put it in to action in some way otherwise it’s just a waste of time.