back from the entrepreneur show

entrepreneur show design

Today i was up in Dublin at The Entrepreneur Show in the RDS. As with most of those type of events it’s just an information fest for me… absorb as much as possible…

We arrived in around 11am and the place was pretty quiet. Not much happening either. It did seem to get a lot busier though as the day went on. There were several talks on throughout the day and the main hall was lined with loads of exhibitors & their stands.

Highlight of the day was probably watching the Dragon’s in action in the live invest sessions where they gave some constructive criticism to entrepreneurs. Sean Gallagher also gave a good talk on how he manages his own business, the challenges he faces and core values his decision making process revolves around.

Some interesting things i noted: Gavin Duffy said can get tshirts for as little as 17c by taking leftover stock in bulk from the likes of primark. Clever. He also mentioned that mobile operators have teams of people whose sole job is to come up with jokes.

The jokes are sent by SMS to a small group and the spread like wildfire as it’s human nature to share jokes… (that’s true – just look at all the forward emails and texts you get yourself). It nets the mobile operators serious cash apparently.

I’m shattered now though… i need sleep, so that’s all i’m going to say on it. Worth going? Yeah. You always learn from these events, well i do anyway.

The Entrepreneur Show

The Entrepreneur Show

The Entrepreneur Show

The Entrepreneur Show

The Entrepreneur Show

The Entrepreneur Show

The Entrepreneur Show

3 thoughts on “back from the entrepreneur show”

  1. if i did i honestly can't remember – there were so many stands and companies there it was information overload for me! were you there yourself?

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