almost over the finish line

This week i have end of semester exams, tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday. The following week i have one on a Tuesday.

Final Exams at Dartmouth
Creative Commons License photo credit: susansimon

I’ve done pretty well in most of my modules so far. Out of the 6 subjects i had this semester i think i’ve passed 3 officially already. I’ve passed another 2 along with them so that means i just have one to worry about.

That exam is on Friday. It’s worth 70% of my overall marks for the subject, so it’s important.

I need a minimum 35% in the subject to pass it, and i already have 17% (out of a possible 30%). So that means i must get above 18% out of 70% in Friday’s exam.

So that means i need to get 26% or above out of 100% on Friday’s paper. Shouldn’t be a problem and because it’s on Friday, it means i have a good bit of time to prepare. It also helps that i’m off the day before hand.

When it comes to exams, rarely will i put in any more than a few hours study before them, unless i need to. If subjects interest me, i’ll pass them. If they don’t, i’ll try my best but won’t kill myself when it comes to exams.

Fail any exams and then i’ll up the work rate, but i really don’t want to get myself in to that situation… it’s always easier nailing things first time around because there is no time to live with regrets. Failing exams would probably make me work harder and learn more so the irony in passing things first time around is that in my opinion, i learn less passing than i do failing.

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