I’ve been off college for over a week now and just realised i’ve got college in the morning. It’s 1.30am at the minute, i really should be getting some z’s but i’m still on the hunt for custom wordpress theme designers
It just sort of hits you when you have to set an alarm for the morning.. 😥 I don’t really detest going back, like i would have done at school, it’s a more a case of ‘it has to be done’, so i guess things could be worse, i could actually have to work and be put under pressure – in college you just sort of sit there, take the sheets and pretend to listen 😎
Only about 5 weeks to go until exams/we get off though, so i guess it will fly. I have to admit i’ve kept blogging all the way through without thinking. I secretly thought i may have felt the strain of college/ exams/ girlfriend/ money etc… but it hasn’t been the case.
Blogging to me, is still a fun thing, it’s not a chore. I guess i’m a come ‘rain, hail, shine or snow’ type of blogger. Almost a year in, and i could count the number of days i haven’t blogged on one hand
I was watching a programme tonight about how some murderer was possibly framed, yet was put away due to his stories not adding up and apparent ‘lies’. Apparently, he had a bad memory, but when his mother was interviewed, she was saying how the cops where quizzing him about where he was, what he was doing at such and such a time.
She said “He couldn’t remember what he was doing last week, never mind a few months ago, what did they expect, a daily journal?”.
And that’s when it hit me about blogs and the huge benefits of having one. If you asked me what i was doing on 12th Feb 2007, i’d tell you i wouldn’t have a bloody notion But if i come on to my blog, i’ll get a post which will trigger off all sorts of memories for me and thus i can piece together memories of not only that one blog post but other parts of that day also.
So the moral of the story is – if you have a blog, you have a ‘Hard Drive’ of memories. If you don’t have a blog, all you have is ‘RAM’ which is a tiny percentage of memories -v- the hard drive.