500 impressions, zero clicks..

As the title suggests, JPEGr‘s latest adsense ad unit placement is not performing 🙁

It’s a pity, as the site probably looks better than it’s ever done. I don’t want to clutter the homepage with ads, but at the same time i need to make some sort of cash from it. Catch 22.
In and ideal world, i’d have 4 text link ads on it along with the adsense link units at present. Then if adsense didn’t perform, i could always rely on TLA. However atm, TLA is slow and too competitive imo.
I’m also using my Agloco referal on all my sites for the next week or so… just to pick up the odd person here and there. I’m not going to go mad promoting it and i’ve vowed not to spend anything advertising it so i’ll just see what happens. When they actually launch the viewbar, i might think about ways to get more referals.

2 thoughts on “500 impressions, zero clicks..”

  1. OK so I read your latest post first and then spotted this one.

    That image upload site is a tough one to gain clicks as the main reason why people are on that site is to upload images, not to look for info (where Adsense shines).

    Have you tried a 728×90 banner right under the browse/upload bar?

  2. no, not yet… i’ve tried just about everything else 😉

    the problem is a lot of traffic comes from stumble.. and if i change the ads to skyscrapers/banners or add more ads, stumble traffic decreases.

    Catch 22. The stumble traffic does give me a few new registrations a day, plus a lot of backlinks through blogs and that so i can’t afford to go mad with ads.

    I will at some stage though, test the 728×90.

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