4c Flights to London.

Myself and the other half always wanted to go somewhere this summer.. anywhere.. just to get away and have something to look forward to.

I spent most of yesterday and today trying to hunt down bargain flights anywhere in europe for 2 or 3 days.. Ryanair have a 1m free flights giveaway, so i was trying to pick out some options.. i’m obviously free anytime, but my other half can only go away on certain dates, so we were limted.

In the end, we’ve booked flights to London in July for 2 nights – for 4c INCLUDING all taxes. That’s right – €0.04. Here’s a screenshot of my rather healthy looking bill :mrgreen:


It’s part of Ryanair’s 1m free flights giveaway, where basically you can book flights for free.. it’s obviously incredibly difficult to find outgoing and incoming flights for free, so i had to do a bit of fiddling about and date changes along the way to get the 4c flights.

They do try and screw you in every way possible though – for example, it appears you get charged €6, even if you’ve no bags to check in. This is a default charge and per person. You have to click ‘remove’ to reset the price to €0. Very sneaky by Ryanair. Have a look at the screenshot. I’ve seen in forums, many people have been screwed by this and didn’t realize they had an option to remove it.


They also charge a per person credit card charge, even for the one transaction 🙄 They have the credit card charges worded funny, and i couldn’t figure out if it was €12 + €2.50 each, or just €2.50 each… Deliberate attempt to squeez every last cent out of you. I can’t complain though, as i’ve got flights to london for a maximum of €12 :mrgreen:

A 3 minute taxi into town and back would cost that 🙄

I now have the decision of what hotel to stay in.. it needs to be central, posh – but not too push, modern, preferably tall and with good views, if possible have a swimming pool, and most importantly have free wi-fi access so i can use my n95 😀 Any ideas?!

I’ve been to London before, about 10 years ago. First on my to-do list, will be the new wembley stadium. Just yesterday, i was saying how i must go and see it, i didn’t think i’d be going so soon 😈

EDIT: just found out, there is NO credit card charge!! So just 4c for flights to London for 2!! 😆 😛 :mrgreen: 😈 Now that’s what you call cheap.

12 thoughts on “4c Flights to London.”

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