Well, i had the general knowledge table quiz today in a team that was thrown together literally 5 mins before the quiz
We did well, coming joint 3rd out of about 14 teams. Most of the other teams had a lecturer in their team, so that was perhaps an unfair advantage as there were quite a few questions about the actual college/campus on there which none of us had a clue about 🙄
For a lot of questions we’d narrowed it down to 50/50 answers, and NONE went our way… here’s some examples…
- When was the original jungle book created? We said it was post 1966 as that’s just when colour tv came in, so we wnt with 1968, it was actually 1967 😡 How close was that?
- What is the capital of South Africa? We were torn between Johannesburg and Victoria, we said Johannesburg, the answer was Victoria.
- How many wives did Henry 8th have? We said 6, then changed it to 7, and it was of course 6 🙁
- How many states in the EU – we said 26, it was 27.
- Who won the Champions League 2006/7? I knew it was either Barcelona or AC Milan. Barcelona played Arsenal in the final, and Milan played Liverpool, but i couldn’t think in what order did they come…. I changed this so many times and just couldn’t think what year each side won it… in the end i went with Barca, and it was of course AC Milan. Still kicking myself 😡
So there’s 5 questions which we touched on the answer, but when it came down to 50-50 between 2 potential answers, we got them all wrong! Had we got 2 or 3 right, it would have been enough to finish 2nd.
The runaway leaders apparently had one of the quiz writers on their side so that would explain why they were runaway leaders 😈 Anyway it was good craic and at least i came away learning a bit