3 day break

Bag packed & everything charged – that can only mean one thing 🙂 I’m off to Paris tomorrow for a 3 day break. On Wednesday, Ireland take on France in part two of our world cup play off tie.

Pont de Bir Hakeim, en regardant vers la Tour Eiffel
Creative Commons License photo credit: nitot

It will be my first time in Paris so i’m really looking forward to it. It also means 3 days of not blogging here which is a real rarity. In fact, i can’t even remember the last time i went that long without posting. When i get back, i’ll be under pressure to catch up on things online and in college.

So i will pay for this break later on, but for now i’ll not be thinking that far ahead :mrgreen: My prediction for the match? A 2-1 defeat. But we can always hope and dream…

2 thoughts on “3 day break”

  1. A thought just struck me Sean.

    Why don't you blog on the move rather than cutting the blog off for the three days you're away?

    A psoting about Henry's handball and ensuing controversy would have been interesting.

    I'm sure you're itching to comment about it!


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