113 consecutive posts run ended!

Yesterday, 5th august, for the first time in 113 days, i failed to post a blog post. I’m only after remembering to blog right this second – an hour too late!

Cubicle worker FAIL.  For the FDT (Face Down Tuesday) group
Creative Commons License photo credit: slworking2

It brings an end to my target of going for 260 days (which would have taken me up to the end of the year). I won’t make excuses for myself, but i will console myself with the fact that i was working on 3 client sites today, plus i updated lucky.ie and got held up with emails… i also got some college forms sorted and found time to place a few bets :mrgreen: (work related bets of course – for lucky.ie).

It’s unlike me… i don’t normally ‘forget’ about blogging but i suppose i’m only human. I can assure you this will just be a blip. My record will prove it.

However, it is perhaps an indication of the amount of work i have on at the minute…. I have a lot to get through before i get back to college and this blog is suffering in terms of quality content… i haven’t been able to sit down and write with as much thought as i’d like of late.

I do have loads to talk about ironically but my time is being squeezed these days. I am working hard, learning more and getting paid as well so i’ll forgive myself this time… it wasn’t as if i was idle all day and kept putting it off.

2 thoughts on “113 consecutive posts run ended!”

  1. Yeah, I was checking in about ten past midnight and was wondering what was up! If u do the 260 days, i'm sure you can forgive yourself the hour!

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